dedicated to enriching the lives of youth through free, specialized & innovative programming

I've always believed the land will always provide for us, it is so important we take care of mother nature for our future leaders
Naomii, Program Facilitator
Translates to Zam Mi Nan Aki in Ojibwe
This name was gifted to us by Elder Dave Courchene
Program Coordinators: Erica Daniels, Naomii Routhier
Ultimate Goal: Engaging and empowering Indigenous Youth in intensive cultural exploration.
Zam Mi Nan Aki provides youth the opportunity to experience Indigenous ceremony and culture: This component will provide participants with the opportunity to learn ancient Indigenous knowledge and teachings from respected Elders and community leaders. As youth gain a stronger knowledge of their identity, they will develop the skills and confidence to become strong community leaders. This component will provide Indigenous youth with:
Connection to Elders and Community Leaders
Opportunities for healing from intergenerational trauma by reconnecting to their culture
Opportunities to apply the teachings into their everyday lives
Education of ancient knowledge in hopes they will carry it forward
Activities include: sweat lodge, medicine pouches, rattles, medicine teachings and picking, building sweat lodge, pipe ceremony, naming ceremony, water ceremony, exploring bundles, attending the Turtle Lodge, debrief sharing circles, 7 Sacred Teachings.
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